March 27th, 2024

I heard about this website on the radio… You can tell it to write a song in any style of music and it generates a radio-quality song in about 5-10 seconds. You can also put in your own lyrics. Here are some songs I made –

Backyard dwellings approved by Phoenix City Council in 8-1 vote

September 7th, 2023

How not to nail roof sheathing to a roof truss

September 1st, 2023

Nails missed the top chord

A cactus fell on my home

September 1st, 2023

Saguaro cactus

[Cayalá is visually stunning and looks like it was built a couple of centuries ago—rather than mostly in the last decade.]

August 19th, 2023

categories: architecture | Uncategorized

©2024 Christopher W. Steinle